by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
During the last school holidays hubby and I decided to play tourist on our own backyard, and surprised the boys with a fun-filled day in Port Macquarie. First we had an exhilarating round of Go-Karting, and then headed to the water to try our hand at some Aqua Golf....
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
(As you’ll see – Dee experienced some complications immediately following the birth of her daughter, and while this can be a frightening experience for all concerned, having the right support can make all the difference.) My birth with my...
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
Birth Story of Oscar On the 28th of September I went into labour with our second child. After having no signs whatsoever and no progress I was feeling disheartened and had convinced myself that I would once again go to 42 weeks, as I did with my daughter. We had...
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
The Birth of Eleanor Monday 16th of July – I had an appointment at the hospital. After going in and having a chat with the midwife she told me I would be induced on the Wednesday, which was very distressing. She gave me a stretch (couldn’t do a sweep as I wasn’t...
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
DRESS COLLECTION IS OPEN! Angel Gowns Australia will be accepting wedding dress donations from the 1st October until the 31st October 2017 in honour of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Please click the link below to download the donation form to send with...