Positive Birth Stories – Melanie’s* Story
For the second instalment of my 'Positive Birth Stories' Blog Post Series - Megan has shared her two birth stories. Megan birthed at the Toowoomba Base Birthing Centre, and highly recommends the facility. Melanie's* Story I've been lucky enough to have...
Positive Birth Stories – Karla’s Story
Society is really, really good at scaring new mums-to-be. Think of the last birth you saw on mainstream TV or in a movie. Or the last time someone told you the story of their labour. More often than not, it's not a pretty picture! Stories of labours for days,...
What is a Doula?
Although more and more women are aware of doulas, and the awesome benefits doula support can provide, I still at times am met with a look of 'say what now?' when I tell people I am a doula. I thought I'd do a short post to outline as best as I can, what it is I...
Essential Oils and Babies
Do you want to learn how to use oils with babies and toddlers safely? Come along to my FREE informative online Facebook workshop this Thursday night. Register your interest here Certified Clinical Aromatherapist Kim Thomson will show you how to use essential oils for...
Safe Co-sleeping.
Safe Co-sleeping. What is it? Are you wanting to co-sleep with your baby, but are a little nervous about just popping them into your bed with you? A co-sleeper, like the Bednest, may be just what you’re looking for. The benefits and advantages of co-sleeping, or at...
5 Tips to a better breastfeeding experience – guest blog post by Noelle Knoppert
5 tips to a better Breastfeeding Experience Guest blog post by Noelle Knoppert, lactation consultant. Be Prepared. Traditionally, breastfeeding is something we were all exposed to throughout our lives. However modern society has seen women feel the need...