by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
(As you’ll see – Dee experienced some complications immediately following the birth of her daughter, and while this can be a frightening experience for all concerned, having the right support can make all the difference.) My birth with my...
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
Birth Story of Oscar On the 28th of September I went into labour with our second child. After having no signs whatsoever and no progress I was feeling disheartened and had convinced myself that I would once again go to 42 weeks, as I did with my daughter. We had...
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
The Birth of Eleanor Monday 16th of July – I had an appointment at the hospital. After going in and having a chat with the midwife she told me I would be induced on the Wednesday, which was very distressing. She gave me a stretch (couldn’t do a sweep as I wasn’t...