by Jessica Nash | Media, Uncategorized
When I was 10 years old, my precious brother Bradley was born at 36 weeks. We were shocked to learn he was born with the chromosomal condition Trisomy 13, also known as Patau Syndrome. Although Trisomy 13 is very rare, it causes many defects, and sadly Bradley passed...
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
You may have seen this article popping up on social media recently, about UK midwife Amanda Burleigh finally winning her campaign to change the guidelines regarding clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord. The guidelines now recommend waiting AT LEAST one minute...
by Jessica Nash | Uncategorized
We all know ‘breast is best’. After all, it’s what’s nature intended. However breastfeeding does not always come naturally or easily. I believe it’s a learned skill, for both Mum and baby, and one that our generation has largely missed...